

The 1950s was a momentous time for the U.S.and the world, with the dawn of the Cold War and an economic boom that transformed American culture. In this historic period, hundreds of thousands of immigrants came to the United States in search of a better life, bringing their language and traditions from around the globe.Among them were my parents, who left a small village in Spain for Providence, Rhode Island.My father found work as an accountant; but my mother, who had not finished high school, did not find employment until I was born. Then she got a job working nights at the local Woolworth's store.She was determined her children would have a much better life than hers had been.With two young sons, she moved our family across the country so we could attend a good public elementary school with strong academic standards. The only condition was that we had to learn English quickly. Our new life began in the city of Los Angeles where, within just a few years,we learned to speak perfect English. My older brother attended an elite private middle school on a scholarship.But there were no such opportunities for me.Instead,I went to James A Garfield Jr High School, one of the best public schools in L.A. At first,my mom couldn't afford the $36 tuition.But then my father's company sponsored me and about 40 other employees' kids.We received book bags stuffed with notebooks、paper和pencils everyday to take home with us——anything we needed for class was provided for free.

All the students went out for sports teams or music groups like band and chorus.If you wanted to play football, you had to make it through tryouts and be part of the team.There were no exceptions to the rules.When I joined the track team, I was surprised to see some of the wealthiest kids on the bus riding with the janitors' kids every day. We had a strict dress code:no shorts or jeans and all the boys wore white socks.For those without money to buy new shoes every couple of weeks,the principal issued cards that enabled us to go down to the city and get shoes
