说几个不同场景下,该说的句子吧! 去理发前: ① 想设计一个发型(给tony老师看片子):I'd like to get my hair cut and styled. ② 想了解当前流行的发型(给tony老师看照片):I want to get the latest hairstyle./ I am looking for a new hairstyle. 去理发中: ③ 想让tony老师帮忙设计发型(给tony老师看图):Can you give me some ideas about cutting and styling? 请帮我设计一下头发(怎么打理):What do you recommend that I should do with my hair? 你觉得我适合什么样的发型?:What kind of haircut would suit me? 我应该怎么做我的头发?:How could I style my hair?
④ 想让tony老师帮忙做头发(给tony老师看参考图片):Could you make it more like this(给tony老师看图片)? ⑤ 希望tony老师帮自己染发/烫发:I wish to have my hair coloured or permed.
⑥ 表示自己不想理发:I will not need to have my hair cut. ⑦ 表示对tony老师的理发技术不放心:Am I going to be happy with the way you cut my hair? 有疑问的时候: ⑧ 对tony老师的设计没想法:I am not sure about these designs. ⑨ 想询问其他顾客对tony老师的评价:What are others saying about your work? 理完发后: ⑩ 表达对自己的新发型的担忧:Am I going to look stupid with this haircut?
⑪ 表示对新发型的不满意:This haircut just isn't working out for me. ⑫ 想要托尼老师为自己恢复之前的发型:I want to have my old hair style revived.