作为在学术圈摸爬滚打好几年的“老人”,被学生问该怎么给国外导师发送邮件,真是一脸惆怅啊 。因为现在的年轻人真的越来越礼貌了(笑哭),不像十年前我师出无名给导师发邮件都是“在吗”“最近好吗”这样的,现在的孩子都那么文雅。
好了,言归正传。给导师的邮件其实和发给领导、师姐师兄的邮件大同小异,主要包含以下几个部分: 第一段:问候和自我介绍 第二段:说明来意 第三段:补充说明 第四段:落款 和国内导师的邮件不同之处在于: 因为不知道题主给外国导师发邮件是想申请博士还是直博或者申请硕士?所以只好统一回复啦~
比如申请PhD,可以这么写: “Dear Professor Smith, My name is Zhang.I am a graduate from XXX University in China, majoring in xx.In my senior year (or the final year of my master’s degree) I came across yourwork on xxx and was deeply interested in it. It was then that I decided to pursue PhD at youruniversity” 如果是想直博的话,可以在上面这段话后面再加上一段个人描述: ”On top of my interest in xxx, I am also very fascinated by how xx works/interacts with each other under xxx conditions.My previous research background will be beneficial for your department as well since I have extensive experience in xxxx”(注意这里是加粗的字!!!!很重要!!!!!!!) 如果申请Master's,则可以在第一段末尾加上这样一句: "I am writing this email because I would like to know if there are any openings for Master's students" 如果想要申请奖学金,可以在第二段末尾加入: “Please do not hesitate to contact me even if you have further questions after reading this email.I would be grateful if you could let me know by February 28th.Thank you for your time and consideration.” 除了以上,其他都和给国内导师的邮件一样哦~