

谢邀! 本人在美国西部读本科,在东部读研究生。 在西部上大学的时候,学校里也有不少国际生,来自世界各地(当然最多的是中国人)。


我和同学们接触后,发现大家对于“中美教育差异”这个问题非常感兴趣,于是我和几个中国同学找了一个当地的美国人做了一次访谈。那个学期正是我们的微积分课上得最头疼的时候,Prof.X总是用一种难以理解的思维方式给我们讲解题目,我们都觉得自己的数学基础没他好,因此每次都是他讲完了我们就觉得自己更笨了....有一天终于忍不住了,就问Prof.X “How do you balance work and life?” Prof.X听了之后很惊讶,笑得很灿烂地说 “I never want to work more than 10 hours a day, I have all the freedom in the world to choose what I want to do with my own time as long as it is not interfering with your education or other students’learning. Life is too short to spend working on things that are not interesting for you. Besides,I always try to put fun into everything I am doing so there will be no dull moments. ” (后来我们慢慢地发现这种看似效率很低的方式其实是最快的,并且最能加深理解的,所以最后成绩反而很好。)

于是我问这个美国人,美国的小学教育是怎样的。他说:“I think American school is very good because we can learn many different subjects from elementary school until high school. And if you don't like one subject,you can skip it till another year when teacher will teach the same material again from the begining. You are not forced to study something you don't like but at the sametime,it is also up to you to get better grades by studying harder in class and by spending extra time outside of class。”“而且美国小学是没有课后作业和考试的,老师会给每个同学定制不同的学习计划,学习进度,只要你们能在规定的时间掌握教的内容,就可以去玩啦~” 我问他那中国的小学生呢。他说:“I know Chinese children have to memorize a lot. For example,the four branches of math,the twelve animal zodiac,the five hundred characters and so on. They are taught how to do homework and studies by their teachers,and they need to show the results to their parents every night。If their answers are wrong,their parents will give them new set of correct answer sheet to copy。

I heard once about Chinese students who were taking tests at their schools. The questions on the tests were basically the same as asked at home by their parents. It sounds so boring!I can’t believe these kids are just ten years old!!” 听他的描述,中国的小学似乎就是不断背书,背公式,做题,考试,考不好就罚抄,罚写作业到半夜...
